Monday, December 31, 2018

Unboxed: Well Done, 2018!

"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,’ says the LORD, who has compassion on you.” Isaiah 54:10 

My #Page365of365 is about to close. There are countless #LessonsOf2018 that I held a tight grip on. Well, everyone would say that, yet, no one would ever decipher how profound it had been except me and God. 2018 seemed to be receiving boxes of gifts all throughout the year. Unknown and unexpected gifts wherein most of those boxes are Pandora's boxes (I did receive a literal Pandora tho haha
Those that unleashed disappointment, heartbreaks, tears, and failures were dominant. If I would look back, I would never imagine how I got out of it. It is indeed true that not every problem we go through each time though it might have been similar to the previous one has the same solution and not every person who has solved it could do so for you or could satisfy you with his solution.

No matter how identical every problem would be to every person, we have our distinct way to solve it. 

I must say I pushed myself too hard to my edge this year in all areas. Lows are more than the highs. I was even close to a drought. 

Moreover, a few of those boxes showed me a realization about compassion. That it doesn't or shouldn't end by saying "Everything will be fine or I know how you feel." It would only be called empathy whereas doing a follow-up with the person or showing a willingness to be at her side during the case process would be great. Yet, again not everyone would adhere to the same formula, just me at least. 
A lot of those boxes showed me hope at first, yet disappointed me totally. So many tears, but it made me stronger. 
Some boxes almost broke me let's say 85%. Many of those boxes drained me because there was just so much on my hands. I almost let go of everything. Almost. 
Yet. The one box which I received wholeheartedly, showed and helped me remember that all those boxes are all at my disposal. It even provided me all I needed in every decision I would make to those boxes. It also contained knick-knacks like comfort, encouragement, courage, extra hope, mounds of faith, ample strength, and boundless love. I embraced and held on to that box all throughout. 
Despite all, I remained grateful to God for everything. Others would comment "You say that every year, but why do you always go through the same situation?" Yes. We might have gone through things over and over, yet I must say, maybe there are points that we fail to see in the process. Those points could be very small. Yes, small but if they fill you up, they would drown you. We must not fail to pay attention to every detail. If there is one thing God continues to teach me - that is to process everything through the filter of His unfailing love. Also, instead of drowning yourself in fears, doubts, and pains, let them be the trigger to look for God’s protection, provision, and possible growth opportunities. It was hard. It is hard. It will be hard. Yet, Jesus is the God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. For that, I received a victory for He is my VICTORY.
2019 will be great for sure. What God made me go through in 2018 will surely be my guiding principles and eternally He will be my light and hope. 

Thank you 2018. I am grateful for all the learning. I welcome 2019 full of hope, eagerness, and victory for the Glory of God. 

Isaiah 55:8-9, “‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’” (NIV)

Psalm 138:8a: “The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever.” (ESV)

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