Monday, April 12, 2021

A New Life From God

 It is never too late to restart your life. In God, nothing is too late or too early. It's a cliche but it is the truth, in Him nothing is impossible. The story of Rica Peralejo-Bonifacio is a story of how it is always possible for God to give chances to people who are seeking a new life. Most of these perspectives are from her personal testimony of God's grace in her life.

Brokenness is not always caused by a failed relationship, broken family, or life circumstances. There are some instances where we are too driven by the world and influences around us. We would tend to seek remedies from what the world can offer us. Alcohol. Parties. Prestige. Relationships. Sometimes we enter into a commitment that is so difficult to break.

The wholeness that we are looking for is not a result of realizing an ambition, getting into an ideal relationship, or marrying a person we have prayed for. None of them could make you complete. We have to understand and be firm that only God can make us whole.

Restarting our lives is not easy. We need to give up a lot of things or even everything. We need to let go of those things that keep us from letting God in our lives. We need to be empty to be filled. We need to recognize that we are broken to be whole again. It is easy to come to God when we see our brokenness. 

Moreover, restarting your life would have a lot of hurdles. One of them is the view of people who are around you. Those who have seen you in the past. These people would remind you of who you were before. As the famous line says, "The enemy knows your name but calls you by your sin. Jesus knows your sins but calls you by your name. So come as you are."

You just need to know that you can come to God anytime. Whatever you did. Whoever you are. You don't need to be perfect to be welcomed by the Lord. You just need to come to God no matter how imperfect or sinful you are. Just come to Jesus and He will perfect you with His love. His grace is sufficient for you. 

We all have the same God but a unique story for each of us. That story, you have to walk that yourself. You can't walk somebody else's story. He didn't prescribe one identical path for everyone. He uniquely weaves each of the milestones and life experiences we have.  If you feel discouraged and disoriented, remember that God can keep you even if you cannot keep yourself. Even when you are too lost or broken, God can still keep you together. It gives you the confidence that even if you can't fix everything, you can let God do it.

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