Saturday, April 13, 2024

Sudden Indifference

In the quiet of twilight's embrace,

A story unfolds, a somber grace.

When he, with silent steps, does part,

Leaving behind a fractured heart.

Once entwined in a tapestry of dreams,

Now torn asunder, or so it seems.

His departure whispers secrets untold,

Leaving me stranded, shivering, and cold.

In the corridors of memory's maze,

His presence fades, lost in the haze.

No longer familiar, his face grown strange,

A specter haunting the winds of change.

Gone are the days of laughter and light,

Now swallowed by the depths of night.

Left to wander in this realm alone,

A stranger in a world once known.

Yet amidst the ache, a flicker ignites,

A flame of resilience amidst the nights.

For though he's left, I'll find my way,

Reclaiming my voice, come what may.

So let him go, let him fade into mist,

For in his absence, I shall persist.

No longer defined by his departure's sting,

I'll rise anew, a phoenix taking wing.

In the quiet echo of fading whispers,

He chose a path diverging from mine,

A journey onward, leaving me behind,

In the shadowed corners of his past.

Once, his gaze traced constellations in my eyes,

A universe of shared dreams and whispered hopes,

But now, his attention drifts like autumn leaves,

Scattered, forgotten in the winds of change.

His footsteps falter, straying from our familiar path,

Leaving me stranded in the silence of his absence,

Like a forgotten verse in an unwritten poem,

Lost amidst the pages of time's relentless march.

I linger in the spaces where his presence once danced,

A ghost of memories haunting empty rooms,

Longing for the warmth of his gaze,

Yet finding only the chill of indifference.

But in the quiet of this solitude,

I find strength in the echoes of my own voice,

For I am more than a footnote in his story,

I am the author of my own journey's arc.

Though he may choose to move on,

Leaving me like a stranger in his tale,

I will forge ahead with unwavering resolve,

Writing my own narrative, bold and free. 

Thursday, March 07, 2024

Mirror, Mirror

 In the gentle echo of a whispered conversation,

Where words find solace in mutual fascination,

There lies a wondrous phenomenon, sweet and rare,

Where two souls align in a symphony of shared affair.

It's in the subtlety of his smile, the glint in his eye,

When he discovers my passions, he doesn't deny.

For in the depths of his listening, a treasure he finds,

A glimpse into the world that occupies my mind.

When he likes what I like because he heard it from me,

It's as if he's opened a door, inviting me to see,

That in the realm of our interests, there's room to explore,

A landscape of wonder and discovery galore.

He takes my words not as mere passing breeze,

But as whispers of truth, as gentle pleas,

To delve into the realms that ignite my flame,

To share in the joy, to play in the same game.

It's not just the objects, the books, or the art,

But the essence of connection that sets us apart.

For in his mirrored admiration, I find a kindred soul,

Whose heart beats in rhythm with mine, making me whole.

In his willingness to embrace what I hold dear,

I see the depth of his care, crystal clear.

For it's not about the things, but the bond we share,

In the moments of likeness, in the love that's there.

So when he likes what I like because he heard it from me,

It's a testament to the magic that's meant to be.

For in his mirrored affection, I find my guide,

Navigating life's journey, side by side.

Through laughter and tears, through joy and strife,

His mirrored likes are a reflection of life.

And in the symphony of our shared affection,

We find solace, we find connection.

So here's to the beauty of mirrored delight,

To the dance of souls in the quiet of night.

For in his mirrored likes, I see a love that's true,

A love that echoes my own, in all that we do.

Monday, February 26, 2024


I have attended the Planetshakers concert and conference three times. This is the fourth time. The excitement that I felt was as if it was the first time.

Experiences have a way of lingering in our hearts and minds long after the music fades. It's like the embers of a fire that continue to glow even after the flames have died down.

When we're still high on the energy and emotion of a praise and worship celebration, it's a perfect time to reflect on the significance of that experience. Those moments stood out the most – the songs that enlivened my soul, the prayers that resonated with my heart, and the sense of unity and connection with others who were worshiping alongside me.

As I bask in the afterglow of the concert, it strengthened and deepened my relationship with God. It allows the joy and excitement to fuel the passion for worship and motivate living out the faith in tangible ways.  you'll find that the high you're feeling now is just the beginning of a deeper, more intimate journey with God – one that will sustain you long after the echoes of the concert have faded away. Even though you had just met them, it did not matter who they were. The fellowship in the name of Jesus created a bond or a common ground. That's what He does.

It's a beautiful opportunity to reflect deeply on the significance of what we've encountered. In those moments, it's as if the music and the atmosphere have built a divine connection, drawing us closer to God and to each other. The songs, with their powerful lyrics and melodies, become like prayers lifting our hearts to the heavens. The collective voices of fellow worshippers and the band create a symphony of praise that resonates within us, reminding us that we are part of something greater than ourselves.

Indeed, God showed me His glory. His presence. His love. His mercy. His grace. His healing. His forgiveness. His glory. They were manifested in every way. He filled the atmosphere and all the people just flowed and swayed to the rhythm of His goodness and faithfulness. 

Like the lyrics of the song say:

You've turned my mourning into dancing

You've turned my sorrow into joy

You've turned the page, 'cause it's not over

Yes, HE did! Through this event hearts were transformed, prayers were answered, and lives were changed. As the event came to a close, every worshipper brought home with them, new joy, new hope, and a new life, and of course, new songs to play and sing along with. May God continue to bless Planetshakers, the vessel of Jesus into this world.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Love is a Place of Peace

Love, in its purest form, is indeed a place of peace. It's a sanctuary where the storms of life find solace, where the tumultuous waves of uncertainty are stilled, and where the chaos of the world outside dissipates into tranquility. In this haven, there is no room for fear, no space for doubt, only an overwhelming sense of serenity that envelops the soul.

In love's embrace, there is a profound sense of acceptance—a knowing that you are cherished for exactly who you are, flaws and all. It's a sanctuary where vulnerability is not a weakness but a strength, where walls come crumbling down, and hearts open wide without reservation. In this sacred space, there is no need for pretense or masks; authenticity reigns supreme, and genuine connection thrives.

Love is a refuge from the harsh realities of life—a shelter from the storms that rage outside. It's a place where wounds are healed, where brokenness is mended, and where scars are embraced as reminders of resilience and strength. In the arms of love, there is comfort in the midst of pain, hope in the face of despair, and light in the darkest of nights.

In love's sanctuary, time stands still, and the worries of tomorrow fade away. It's a place where laughter dances on the breeze, where joy bubbles up from deep within, and where happiness knows no bounds. In this haven, every moment is savored, every memory cherished, and every heartbeat synchronized in perfect harmony.

Love is a journey—a voyage of discovery, growth, and transformation. It's a pilgrimage to the depths of the soul, a quest to uncover the true essence of our being. Along the way, there are challenges to overcome, obstacles to navigate, and lessons to learn. But in the end, love is the destination—the ultimate destination where we find ourselves, find each other, and find peace.

In the end, love is not just a feeling or an emotion; it's a state of being—a way of life. It's the foundation upon which we build our dreams, the guiding light that leads us home, and the eternal flame that burns bright within us all. And in love's embrace, we find not only peace but also purpose—a reason to live, to love, and to be.

So let us journey to this sacred place—to the heart of love—where peace resides, and where our souls can finally rest. For in love's embrace, we find the sanctuary we've been searching for all along—a place of peace, a place of love, a place to call home. 

Friday, February 09, 2024

Running on Empty

As a servant of Christ, you may find yourself on a journey that often feels like running on empty. The path of serving others, sharing the Gospel, and striving to live out the teachings of Jesus can be both rewarding and exhausting. In my experience, this journey has been filled with moments of deep connection with God and others, but it has also been marked by seasons of weariness and doubt.

There have been times when I've felt like I'm pouring out all my energy and resources, only to see minimal results or face unexpected obstacles. The weight of responsibility can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially when combined with the challenges of daily life. It's in these moments that I've questioned my abilities, my calling, and even my faith.

Yet, amidst the struggle, I've also experienced moments of profound grace and renewal. Amid my emptiness, I've encountered the presence of God in unexpected ways—through the encouragement of fellow believers, the beauty of creation, and the quiet whispers of His Spirit. These moments have reminded me that I am not alone on this journey and that God's strength is made perfect in my weakness.

Through it all, I've come to realize that running on empty is not a sign of failure, but a reminder of my humanity. It's a recognition that I cannot rely solely on my own strength or efforts to sustain me. Instead, I must continually surrender myself to God's grace and trust in His provision.

In the moments when I feel most depleted, I turn to prayer as my lifeline. I pour out my heart to God, laying bare my struggles, fears, and doubts. And in response, I sense His gentle presence surrounding me, offering comfort, strength, and hope.

I also find solace in the community of believers who walk alongside me on this journey. We share in each other's joys and sorrows, lifting one another up in prayer and encouragement. Together, we remind each other of the eternal significance of our work and the promise of God's faithfulness.

So, even when I feel like I have nothing left to give, I cling to the truth that God is still at work in and through me. He is the source of my strength, my sustenance, and my hope. And as long as I continue to fix my eyes on Him, I know that I can keep running this race, even when I feel like I'm running on empty.