Happiness is a result of what happens to you, not what you do. When you know and please God with your life, you are blessed. It is God's promise to you that you will be fruitful, vital, and prosperous. The only thing you need to do is to keep your eyes on Jesus. Resolve to live your life with Jesus at the center of it. Our greatest need is not happiness nor contentment, but rather a relationship with God. Forgiveness is our most pressing need. As a result, we need a Savior. Jesus is the climax of history. All of God's promises have been fulfilled in Jesus. Jesus is not only the historical completion of the Old Testament story; He is also the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies and all of God's promises.
You got questions.
You got concerns.
You got complaints.
You got dissatisfaction.
You got impatience.
You got a lot of things to say.
What did you do to and through all of these? To whom did you address all of these? Instead of laying them all down to the Lord, we exhaust our might devising our own plans and finding answers in our own way. Even rebel against God until we become disobedient and allow all the chaos to blur our vision.
A person who sows to the flesh is likely to reap from it, as well. Christians and unbelievers are both subject to the same law of sowing, pruning, and reaping. As long as we are in this world, there will always be tests, suffering, persecution, discontentment, sins, and temptations. Your life will be poor before God if you live only for the things of this world. As sweet as sin may taste in your mouth, it's not so sweet in your stomach.
Everything in this world is not perfect. Even the most faithful person in the world is not perfect or even exempted from failures and tests. Even the most intelligent person doesn't know the will of God. Even the most efficient person couldn't decipher the plan of God in our lives.
Why not work with God, not against Him? To fight God is utterly pointless. You may think you can get away with your plan. Having a place to call home isn't the most important thing in life, but being at home with God's plans.
God is not the author of pain and suffering. Everything is a result of freedom. The consequences of our own choices. When we go our own way, we never get what we want and we pay a high price. However, when we align our thoughts, actions, and words with God, He moves on them mysteriously. When everything goes wrong, we are not alone. God always goes before us and works on our behalf. He knows what we can handle. God is in control and able. He is busy directing and orchestrating the details of our life and as always, we are created for a purpose.
God is pleased with all of His creations. God loves us completely, unconditionally, and indefinitely. Everything we have and everything we are is a gift. Sending His only Son to save us is a great testament to His love for us. Jesus is the fulfillment of all history, prophecy, and promise. In Jesus, I have found the fulfillment of my entire life. Jesus completes every aspect of my life, including my work, family, friends, memories, and dreams. I need to take some time to relax and appreciate what God has created. In my work and the outcome of my work. I don't have to be satisfied or happy with everything in this world. I just need to focus my eyes on Jesus.
In Jesus, I am forgiven.
In Jesus, the promises are fulfilled.
In Jesus, I am loved.
In Jesus, I need not seek resolution from others. He is the only answer. My One and Only portion.
In Jesus, I am victorious.
In Jesus, I have freedom.
In Jesus, I have peace.
I am very grateful because I have You, Lord. I am always reminded of Your faithfulness and goodness to me. I always see you triumph over my human tendency. You have shown me your wonders. My faithfulness to You even grew stronger. I can always see you working before me and in me. Though what lies ahead is unknown and my human heart falters and becomes a little worrisome, I know, you hold my life in the palm of Your mighty hands. Your promises live on and thrive. I know You created me for Your higher purpose. Your grace and strength will always be sufficient for me. My heart, my mind, my eyes, and my plans are on You, Lord. You are the Lover of my soul. The Perfecter of my faith. The Author of my life and the Only Source of my Joy.
Ephesians 1:22-23 AMP
22 And He put all things [in every realm] in subjection under Christ’s feet, and appointed Him as [supreme and authoritative] head over all things in the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills and completes all things in all [believers].
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