Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Momentary Moments

Filipinos have been known to have long-winded Christmas celebrations. The rush would usually start when the so-called "ber months" begin. Officially, it would kick-off in the month of September. Vendors commence displaying products related to Christmas. Radios would air phenomenal Christmas songs. Moreover, people would also decorate their houses with Christmas ornaments.
However,  waking up in September is not the same anymore. Back in the day, I used to get excited and hyped up by just the thought of Christmas. 
When I was young, my family would celebrate Christmas in simple yet memorable ways -preparing together, eating a typical Noche Buena, or receiving surprise gifts from "Santa Claus". Those were the days. 
In recent years, I have noticed that celebrating Christmas has become superficial. The warmth and excitement have gradually diminished. Sharing or giving has lost its worth. Christmas has become a generation of price tags, grandiose parties, and living up to expectations. Witnessing this chaos, a thought abruptly dawned on me. 
Do these people still remember the true meaning of Christmas? Do they even honor this day rightly? 
It's sad to say, most of them don't. At some parties, saying even just a short prayer before eating was skipped. The usual reminiscing of the goodness of God part has been removed. Some would even spend more time describing their wonderful gifts. The mindset has merely focused on having fun or receiving expensive gifts. This sight aches my heart. The fact that the real meaning of this season has been forgotten or even left out instantaneously breaks my heart. My heart breaks because the moments which used to matter have become momentary and ordinary. 
Looking through it, I have drawn a realization that this is why I would get Christmas blues. I simply long for that "Christmas spirit". The one which emphasizes love more than price tags. Giving or sharing more than expensive parties. Jesus more than fun. Everlasting memories more than momentary moments.

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