Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Off To New Heights And Depths

 There are a lot of things that are happening that are beyond what I expected to happen. Well, life always goes that way. 

I could not fully say that I am in a place where I am meant to be. From the very first day, I felt a different level of joy and peace which I have never felt before. It may not have been an easy journey as the days went by, yet the joy and peace never diminish.

Meeting and working with people pump up my enthusiasm and my productivity to a higher level. I always have the desire to talk and reach out to every individual that I meet. It gives me a different degree of satisfaction and happiness when I get to listen to other people sharing their experiences. I find it a great opportunity to be able to know each of them. That is why I treasure every person that I would meet no matter how long we can stay connected to one another. I value every moment of interaction between us. I could gladly offer my time to listen to them no matter how important or trivial things are.

I have never thought I could come to the point of leaving everything behind. That was a great seven and a half years in the company. It was all bittersweet.

At 33, I have lived in this world so much. How I lived it might have brought me into pits and miry clays which I haven’t expected because I recklessly let them overcome me.

I can blame no one for such predestined encounters and situations. They were brought to me due to my own choices. Have I chosen God, it would have been different. Yet, I don’t want regret and guilt to be on the throne of my life now. Actions were taken, consequences were faced, and might be coming. The only certain thing I have now is that God has been and is always faithful to me.

As this year commences, I have nothing set on my mind. No goals to tick off. I just want to let God’s plan take over. The only plan I have in mind is to hold on to whatever path God will lay out for me. I am resting everything on the Prince of Peace because peace is the promise He keeps.

I am done directing my life as to how I think is best for me. I have let myself see and experienced them. I am letting the Author of my story write and direct it for me this time.

Ready or not, I am fully taking my hands off my life. I will trust His dominion over me, my dreams, and my desires. I will hold on tightly and undoubtedly to His purposes and His will for my life.

February is the new January for me this 2023. A new life is about to start. Opening of new opportunities. New people to meet and mingle with. New ideas and perspectives to uphold. New environment either to adapt to or to stand out from. New challenges to hurdle and be a victor of. 

I lay down my life, my work, my finances, my family, my dreams, and my desires to the God who is the author of my life, my anchor, my Alpha and Omega, my truth, and my refuge.

I know God, You are a way maker. To You, I rest my life and my aspirations.

A new series is about to start. It might have started already without me realizing it.

New year.

New steps.

New perspectives.

New life.

New song.

New people.

New job.

New revelations.

New realizations.

This time around, God will be the main character and the director. I will come around as a supporting lead in this series. My decisions, actions, and destinations depend on Him as the lead.

As a supporting lead, I will give my whole mind, heart, and soul to His directions and expectations. Everything will be in accordance with His will.

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